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Showing posts from October, 2010

Highlight your Codes in WordPress Post with Google Syntax Highlighter

One of the problem most of the WordPress newbies face is highlighting their codes in the post. Some even go to the extend of writing their own extension for this purpose. When there are better solutions. Google Syntax Highlighter Plugin is one of the best plugin out there which does this task wonderfully. Its based on this work by Alex Gorbatchev . Here is a screen shot of what it can achieve

Allow contributor to Upload in Wordpress

In WordPress one of the most irritating thing that webmasters with multiple author feel is the lack of permission for the contributor to upload or insert images. When your blog is using post image its really hard as some one with a higher permission has to do the job. But there is a really simple trick to allow this. You just have to add this small piece of code to your functions.php file within your theme. if ( current_user_can('contributor') && !current_user_can('upload_files') ) add_action('admin_init', 'allow_contributor_uploads'); function allow_contributor_uploads() { $contributor = get_role('contributor'); $contributor->add_cap('upload_files'); } Wasn't that easy? For any doubts or suggestion use the comment form.

Insert Ads, Images or anything in RSS Feeds in WordPress

Monetizing RSS feeds has becomw a common practice, and many blogs do it to maximize their income. FeedBurner can insert AdSense ads into your feed items, but you need at least 500 subscribers to qualify, and you can’t use any ads other than the AdSense ads provided by FeedBurner. So what is the workaround? What if you want to show images in the feeds? Well thats quite easy! Follow these simple steps to perform this hack: Edit the functions.php file of your theme. If your theme doesn’t have a functions.php file, simply create one. Paste the following code into your functions.php file: <?php function insertAds($content) { $content = $content.'<hr /><a href="">Have you visited WpRecipes today?</a><hr />'; return $content; } add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'insertAds'); add_filter('the_content_rss', 'insertAds'); ?> Save the file. You’re now displaying your ads in your RSS feed!

Using WordPress Comment Meta

Comment meta is such a wonderful addition to WordPress that allow us to extend the native comment form with additional fields. This comes very handy for the one's who is trying to create review sites etc. Unfortunately there’s no documentation added on the WP codex. For the purpose of demonstration we will be doing: add a check box to the comments form. show in the WordPress comments admin whether or not the checkbox was selected. indicate in the comment notification email whether or not the checkbox was selected. Adding the checkbox to the comments form is easy. To add the checkbox to the comments form open up your themes comments.php file and paste this into the area where you need it: <label><input id="publishc" name="publishc" tabindex="90" type="checkbox" value="this is the value I want to capture" /> Whatever sentence that you want commenters to use the checkbox for</label> Now that the checkbox

Using Multiple Permalink in WordPress

There time when you feel that the basic permalink settings of wordpress simply isn't enough when you want to make your url more meaningful and seo friendly. But how do we do this? There no much information on this out there as this is not something that all needs. Well, there is a very cool plugin out there that does exactly what you want. It's called   Advanced Permalinks The plugin provides advanced permalink options that allow you to: Have multiple permalink structures. Permalinks can be assigned to posts or ranges of posts 301 redirect old permalink structures (many structures are allowed) Category-specific permalinks. Posts in certain categories can be assigned a permalink structure No need to have a base to the category permalink! Change author permalinks Enable periods in permalinks - perfect for migrating old websit es.

Add new avatars to your wordpress and Say Good-Bye to Mystery Man

If you are like most of the other wordpress developers out there, then you might also had this problem with the default mystery man in wordpress. You also would wanted to change the deafualt avatar of your comments with something nice. It's not that hard. It's infact very easy. Just add this to your functions.php file within your theme folder. /** * add a default-gravatar to options */ if ( !function_exists('fb_addgravatar') ) { function fb_addgravatar( $avatar_defaults ) { $myavatar = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/avatar.gif'; $avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = 'people'; $myavatar2 = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/myavatar.png'; $avatar_defaults[$myavatar2] = ''; return $avatar_defaults; } add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'fb_addgravatar' ); } Why this? When you can have this! Happy coding! For any queries or suggestions give a comment below!